Breaking the Glamour

The Financial Planning/ Wealth Manager Career with Sophia Bhatti

Ana Caragea Season 1 Episode 1

This is Breaking the Glamour, the podcast that helps you make informed and wise decisions about which career to choose. I'm your host, Ana Caragea, the founder of Strategic Discovery and a leadership coach, helping introverts gain visibility in their companies by advancing their communication and leadership skills.

Today we are breaking the glamour of the financial planning/ wealth management career. My guest has built a solid reputation with her clients, as a trustworthy and reliable financial adviser. In this episode, we discuss the reality of this career and you'll hear us talk about important things to consider when deciding to become a financial planner or a wealth manager.

Sophia Bhatti has over 15 years of experience in Wealth Management. As a Director, she oversees investments and protection for private individuals and companies, helping them to achieve healthy revenue and positive returns. Passionate about the investment field, she is known for her expertise in finance and asset management.

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